Entries Open And Supplementary Regulations Release For 2019 Australian Historic Road Racing Championship
Following on from the fantastic news that the 2019 Australian Historic Road Racing Championship (AHRRC) will be located at the brand new 2.55-kilometre track at Collie Motorplex, Motorcycling Australia (MA) confirms that the Supplementary Regulations are now available to download, and entries are officially open.
Hosted by the Historic Competition Motorcycle Racing Club of Western Australia (HCMC WA) from 28-30 September, the 2019 edition of the Champion is set to showcase fierce competition from the racing machines of yesterday, set against the stunning backdrop that is the historic town of Collie. Competitors will also have the enviable opportunity to experience the longest and widest sealed racing circuit in WA, providing the WA motorcycling community with another fantastic facility.
Held over the Queens Birthday Long Weekend, the classes that will feature in the 2019 Championships are as follows:
- Ultra-lightweight solo up to 125cc
- Lightweight solo 132cc to 250cc
- Junior solo 263cc to 350cc (excludes Period 6)
- Senior solo 368cc to 500cc
- Unlimited solo 526cc to 1300cc (excludes Period 6)
- Sidecars P3-P5 up to 1300cc (excludes Period 6)
- Period 2 Junior solo up to 350cc
- Period 2 Unlimited solo 368 to 1300cc
- Period 3 Formula 700 solo 526cc to 700cc – (NB: This class is for pushrod engines only and there is no capacity tolerance)
- Period 4 Formula 750 solo 526cc to 750cc
- Period 5 Formula 750 solo 526cc to 750cc
- Period 6 250 Production solo 250cc – (NB: Machines must have either a compliance plate fitted or supporting documentation of year of manufacture)
- Period 6 500
- Period 6 Formula 750 solo 526cc to 750cc (750cc – 1000cc 2 cylinder engines)
- Period 6 Formula 1300 solo 788cc to 1300cc
To view and download the Supplementary Regulations, please click here.
To submit your entry into the 2019 Australian Historic Road Racing Championship, please click here.
For information, including accommodation and attractions in Collie please see the HCMC and Shire of Collie Guide for AHRRC. For accommodation options please refer to https://www.collierivervalley.com.au/where-to-stay/
Competitors from outside of WA can contact HCMC President Bob Humphreys to apply for a travel subsidy to assist with container transport. There is $1000 available to each State/Territory. Email president@historicracing.asn.au.
Stay updated on the annual National Championship, keep an eye on ma.org.au, as follow MA on Facebook and Instagram.
Media Contact:
Chris Plumridge
Media & PR Officer
Motorcycling Australia